Thursday, July 31, 2008
501c3 Status
We are currently applying for 501c3 status for the Rainier Hoof Recovery Center. Stay tuned for updates on that!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Spencer Comes Home

A few of my friends helped me pick Spencer up on Saturday, July 26th.
For the rest of Spencer's story along with future updates, click here.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Big Boy!
Spencer is a rescue so he'll be a permanent resident.
This is going to be our biggest challenge so far.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Abscess Update
Saturday, July 12, 2008
What does an abscess look like?
It will look like this when it ruptures.
And eventually looks like this.
Danny's abscess ruptured at the front of his hoof and in the back. The entire process, obvious limp, can take days, weeks (and sometimes months) to get through and is so often misdiagnosed for other ailments that can force the horse into some nightmare (shoeing) situations.
Initially I noticed a very slight limp as Danny trotted across the pasture. Hours later, he couldn't put weight on one front leg. That evening he was down and for the better part of the next 3 or 4 days. His preference was to lay in the grass. I kept him separated from the other horses so he spent his time near the fence. Sometimes he'd roll up on his chest and eat. He was in the stall only at night.
How did I know it was an abscess? The lameness was initially slight, then it became severe in a short period of time. He never lost his appetite. His temperature didn't change. There was edema up the leg with no obvious sign of trauma. When pressure was applied, there seemed to be no pain in his leg, only in his hoof.
After the rupture, Danny gradually became more comfortable. He started walking without lameness, but it would appear at the trot. Now, a couple weeks later, he can canter but still favors that leg.
However, it will take time for the abscessed material in his hoof to become exposed in the sole area, and for the rupture sight on his wall to grow down to the ground. Below the rupture, there is no longer wall/sole attachment. As the new wall grows down above the rupture, the wall below it may break off.
What can you do while this process is taking place? Wait. I administered some pain meds for Danny while he was going through the worst of it. That gave him some relief.
For more information on this disturbing, yet ever so common condition, there is an article on my website about abscesses.
Hoof Trimming Clinic for June!
They kept their cool and their sense of humor as they labored over the many different hooves here at the center and in temps that reached into the 90s. Wow!
Sue Ann was here to learn to trim her minis. So she became well acquainted with the smaller hooves on the place, Harley provided the smallest hooves and we trimmed both donkey's Annie and Boomer.
Dan and Sue Ann got him done and his big ol' hooves looked just awesome. Way to go guys!!
I can't believe they were both still smiling after that job! Dan with Cricket. One of our founder rehab cases he trimmed. Then we put equicasts on her front feet. She trotted off felling pretty spiffy!
Dan has been one of my favorite customers, but because he lives in Ravensdale, he's been hauling both his horses to me for their trims for over a year now! That's a trek every 5 weeks. Now he'll be able to trim his own horses and he won't have to haul them for an hour to get the job done. That's a very liberating feeling for horseowners. I know!
I'm proud to say that by the end of our third day, after trimming Dan's horses, I was impressed with their tool handling and trimming skills. All of us were hot and tired so we ventured off on a field trip to go see two mini-horses which had just received their pasture trims by a farrier. Seeing their hooves up close really brought home the difference in trimming methods, and we later discussed why natural trims just work better for horses.
We topped off our last day with the traditional "dinner-on-me, at the students choice of any restaurant in Yelm. Yeah, their choices are limited, but ALL GOOD! We had a great time eating at Peurto Vallarta.
All my students are welcome to contact me anytime they have questions, or concerns about how their horses' hooves are doing!
Thanks guys! And have a great summer! You two have earned it!
Sensei Pat
(I love that new title!:0)