Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Buddy Makes it Better

Day 7: Dexter was standing with his head in the corner of the arena just now, head hanging, bored and depressed. I was in doorway of the shop looking over at him and I said to Rich, "I wish I could just let him out to graze, what the hell would it hurt now?"

As Rich was walking off he said, "What did you think you were going to do, fix him in a couple days. You're going to have to give it a couple months at least." He's right, what was I thinking?

Anyway, so when I put him in the stall last night, I let Harley back out into the pasture. He a buttwhip to catch and had no interest in being in with Dexter, he just wanted to be with the herd. He went thru the gate and blasted off like a fat little rocket.

So just now, I put Jake the 2 year old in the arena and he started eating Dexter's hay. Oddly enough, Dex nickered to him, turned around painfully and started eating hay too. It was like, that's all he wanted was a buddy to eat with. So Jake is in with him for awhile now. And I just might put Jake's buddy, the mini-donkey Boomer in with them too. Dex can have his own little herd! Horses are amazing, aren't they?

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