Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hayin' Time at the HRC

Last Friday, Rich and I found grass hay in the field for $3 a bale. We loaded the last 2oo bales on the field and got it home just before the rain came.

It took 2 trips to get it home in the old Cheve and utility trailer. Rich loaded every bale, I stacked it. We are a great team!

Our mascot, Scrunchie Joy. This is a new breed of farm dog, called a Curly Coated Cattle dog. They are very rare.

Coyote. These animals like to dine on Curly Coated Cattle Dogs. It saw ours running around the trailer and started hunting for her. She spent the rest of her time up on the hay bales watching him. I thought maybe he just wanted to play:0)

Heading out with the last load. Getting enough hay in for 16 equines is a lot of work. And this hay won't last long during the winter months.

1 comment:

  1. That sure looks like beautiful golden brown hay! The horses will sure love this hay come winter. When I first helped my grandfather bring in the hay it was in stooks forked on the wagon loose! e.
