Saturday, August 16, 2008

Update on Cricket and Classy (Bobbi)

Cricket is doing much better. We still have a bit of new wall to grow out so she's still a little tenderfooted at times on the front. She is about 14.3 hands, and 13 years old. And as far as I can tell, she hasn't had much training, but we have saddled her and had several people on her back and she doesn't seem to mind. Have done some natural horsemanship training with her and she's very easy to get along with. She will usually let you catch her in the pasture. My neice is her adoptive owner.

Classy is sound now. Fat and sassy. She is a done that-been there kind of horse. She's 18 years old. She loads, clips, baths, great with her hooves, etc. I haven't really ridden her. I have been on her back. Very loving little horse who comes up to you in the pasture to be caught. I am her adoptive owner.

Soon I'll put up a new video to compare their movement from last fall to now. There is such a difference!

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