Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Barefooters Bash 2009

It all started with a phone call from Lori Holliday and a suggestion, “We should try to get a bunch of local trimmers together for a day.

Okay! Let’s set a date. How about June 14 at 1pm?


Some time goes by and we decide it might be a good idea to give as many trimmers as we know of a heads up. So we gathered as many email addresses as we could and sent emails. Later I created a flyer and it was sent out to everyone we knew of (two times – the second time with the actual correct date) and was forwarded on to other trimmers.

A dozen bare-footers showed up! At first, we are pretty much all about meeting each other and...well, the food.

And the dogs were wishing they were invited to the party. Because they too were pretty much all about the food.

Scrunchie - eyeballing someone's plate.

Mae is trying to look as irresistible as she possibly can,

and Lucy, Murphy and Shiela were waiting for someone to open the gate and yell, "WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? WHO...WHO!?"

Dan Becker's mare, Cru, wonders why all these predators are staring at her.
But we'd already had lunch, so instead of the main course, she was our model for Lori's power trim demo!

How cool is THAT!

Next, Boomer gets his hooves trimmed up! Oops! A quick peek under the tail and we discover that Annie is actually the demo donkey!

Here comes the parade of equines (residents of the Rainier Equine Hoof Recovery Center) and the Co-Grand Marshals are Boomer and Annie! You have to admit, they look a lot alike.

Spencer and Minnie the Mule

Danny, Neenah, Buck, Spencer, Forrest

Hank, Pearl, Peaches and Missy and Buster Brown

Hank, Buck, Danny and Missy

The horses all get bored with our hoof yakking and leave us one by one.

Jenn Smith arrives with her beautiful son, and her gorgeous barefoot reining horse, Cedar.

Cedar gets a trim!

This is how ya do it!

Jenn's little guy finds something to play with. "Hey look! What can I do with this?"

A Bucket Buddy!

Sophie the barn cat was waiting to be entertained. Looks like she's thinking, "That's pretty good kid, but is that all ya got?"

Here is the guy who made it all possible. My hubmiester, Rich. He worked hard spiffing the place up. Thanks Hon!

I have a bunch of other pictures to post about our day together. Lots of discussion and basically getting to know each other. But time has gotten away from me, so I'm going to post what I have uploaded now and will add to this post later.

Suffice it to say, we had a great time! And plan to get togeher again next year. So if you missed this year's 1st Annual Barefooters Bash, come see us next year on June 19th! It will be bigger and better! Ah, dessert was the BEST! Thanks! Lori!



  1. Looks like fun! Are you going to be at Celebrate the Horse?

  2. Not tihs year. I have a trimming clinic that weekend.

  3. Looks like you all had fun! Its great to get like minds together to swap stories and styles!

  4. Wish I could have been there! Nothing better than a bunch of people getting together for horses. Love it!

  5. I wish you could have been there too Mikey! Maybe next year!

